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Paul Deano has announced a final UK tour playing Iron Maiden

Paul Deano has announced a final UK tour playing Iron Maiden

Paul Deano (ex-Iron Maiden) has announced a final UK tour playing Iron Maiden songs. The information was revealed by writer and journalist Stjepan Juras, one of D’Anno’s watchers in recent years.

Via social media, Stjepan wrote: “As his manager, I am contacting you to announce and clarify new plans for Paul’s future career. Most of you, with the help of the music media, have been following the campaign to raise funds for the milk activities.

Operation, Paul’s subsequent recovery and fight for recovery, as well as touring with more than a hundred shows on four continents in the past two years. After nearly a decade without performing in his home country – the United Kingdom – Paul made a triumphant return in 2023 – selling out shows and drawing praise from fans and journalists alike.

That 2023 tour has yet to be completed, and on the same day, due to high demand and very satisfied promoters, a new UK tour is planned for 2024. I can’t thank you enough for the support you’ve shown us coming to shows and buying stuff, but the time has come for new decisions and new steps in Paul’s life. Life is short, time is short, and there is much to do.

Juras continued: “At the moment, Paul and I are calling the 2024 tour Paul’s last UK tour. With all the shows already announced and more to be announced, this will be your last chance to see Paul play in full Iron Maiden on tour across the UK, so this is our call to you all; Come, enjoy and say goodbye in style.

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Of course Paul won’t stop performing in the UK, but in the future you’ll find him at big festivals or big venues playing Battlezone, Killers, Warhorse, Maiden and songs from all periods of his career.

Due to the majority of inadequate clubs, basement facilities and inability to install a ramp to the stage in most places, only large and fully equipped rooms will be considered.

Paul’s partner added: “Meanwhile, I’m working hard to get milk back into the US, Canada and Japan; With the addition of concerts in some new markets, it opens up the boundaries of heavy metal diffusion.

With Paul not feeling well, it remains to be seen how many shows he will play. My aim is to provide him exactly as much money as he needs for treatment and basic living needs.

The doctors, through all the previous treatments and surgeries, did everything they could to get him back on his feet, which was technically possible, but now Paul had to do his part and do everything he could to make it successful.

At the beginning of June, Paul will be back in Croatia to continue his treatment and prepare for the tour, but also to sign the Warhorse album inserts that have already been ordered and to be interviewed by a large list of media who are waiting to hear what he has to say. Something to say about the new Warhorse album.