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A simple mistake can prevent Caixa Tem; DISCOVER ANY

a square his It is one of the most downloaded apps by Brazilians who are looking for some kind of banking benefits. Through it, for example, many people have already redeemed up to R$1,000 from FGTS in 2022. Payments from AuxĂ­lio Brasil and other programs can also be made there. However, there is a simple situation that can block your app.

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What can prevent Caixa Tem inadvertently?

All users of the system should pay attention to the limit of permissible transactions. According to Caixa, it is necessary to stick to the cap of R$5,000 per month. If more than this amount is transferred through your social savings account, your app will be blocked.

It’s worth noting that currently, Caixa customers can use the app to borrow and even apply for a credit card. However, for all of this to work, the Caixa Tem must be working properly.

How to Troubleshoot Caixa Tem

If Caixa Tem encounters some unexpected issues or errors, check out how to solve it:

roadblock: Some people have reported being blocked within the app. In most cases, this is due to a registry breach or a technical security issue.

To resolve the blocking issue at Caixa Tem, find a Caixa branch and talk to an employee.

Forgot your password: Another common occurrence is forgetting the password. In this case, just click on Recover Password and follow the instructions. Remember the registered email, as it will be necessary.

Remember to keep your registration information up to date. In addition to enjoying more benefits, this will avoid problems in the future. Just search for the area to update the data and follow the necessary steps step by step. The app will ask for a photo of you and document information, for example.

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