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FGTS amends rules for low-income residents to buy their homes |  Economie

FGTS amends rules for low-income residents to buy their homes | Economie

Marcelo Camargo / Brazilian News Agency – 09.13.2019

The FGTS amends the rules for buying a home by the general public on low incomes

In the election year, with the aim of unleashing the financing of low-income populations with resources Separation Compensation Fund (FGTS)
In order to qualify for Group 1 of the Casa Verde e Amarela programme, the government increased the income of families from R$2,000 to R$2,400.

The procedure was introduced by the Ministry of Regional Development (MDR) and approved by the fund’s board of trustees.

The decision was made at a time when funding for this audience is declining, so the government is concerned that with the Selic rate increasing and inflation rising, these people’s access to loans will be increasingly difficult.

According to the MDR registry, the number of contracted properties with this income range increased from 149,805 units in 2018 to 80,299 in 2021. In addition, there were no R$1.4 billion from the R$8.5 billion booked by the fund in 2021 for concession discounts. on housing finance. used. With the new amendment, the separate budget for this sector (also of R$ 8.5 billion) is expected to be fully utilized this year.

The change in the amount of income classification for Group 1 will increase the subsidy in the purchase of housing for families receiving between R$2,000 and R$2.4 thousand per month to reduce the final interest (0.5% to 4.75% per annum) and the discount on the property value incurred by the fund.

Today, the maximum support level can reach 47.5 thousand Brazilian Real. After upgrading, more people will be able to access this maximum program support.

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Also according to the MDR, with the amendments, the subsidy for a family with a monthly income of 2,200 R$ will increase from R$ 30,928 thousand to R$ 42,548 thousand in Natal (RN) and from 31,638 thousand R$ from 44,508 Brazilian Real A in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). For those with an income of 2,400 R$, the interest ranges from R$ 27,833 to R$ 39,370 in Natal and from R$ 27,316 to R$ 39,945 in Rio de Janeiro.