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Caio and Phuk argue in the game of discord

Caio and Phuk argue in the game of discord

In the discord game “BBB 21” (TV Globo), Kayo He said he felt betrayed by Phuoc, as the singer had voted for him while shaping the wall the night before. The farmer justified the annoyance, reminding them that they were in the shadows together.

And while he was speaking, he interrupted his brother, “Are you talking about me?” Caio says yes, so the singer continues:

“You should have spoken to me.” At this moment, Caio said, “Let Phuk speak then, so that no one gets in the way of the other.”

The singer apologized and asked Guyano to continue the speech. Then Caio said that he does not take the bad things inside himself and prefers to solve problems with himself.

Fire in the stadium! Discord game dynamics in ‘BBB 21’

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Who should be excluded from “BBB 21”?


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta

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