Niterói City Hall, through the Municipal Health Department, has stopped booster vaccination against Covid-19 with a bivalent dose from Wednesday (17). The immune system stock is zeroed. The municipality is awaiting a new shipment of the vaccine by the state government, which is scheduled to arrive next Monday (22).
Niterói continues to apply the monovalent vaccine against Covid-19 and with Pfizer Baby. The influenza vaccination campaign continues to be offered to people aged 6 months.
Vaccination sites:
- Sergio Arouca Clinic – Rua Vital Brazil Filho, s / nº – Vital Brazil.
- Carlos Antonio da Silva Regional Clinic – Avenida Janssen de Melo, s / nº – São Lourenço.
- Itaipu Regional Clinic – Est. Engenho do Mato s/nº – Itaipu.
- Piratininga Regional Clinic Dom Luis Orion – Rua Dr. Marcolino Gomez Candao – 111 – Biratinga.
- Fonseca Regional Clinic Dr. Guilherme Taylor Marsh – Rua Desembargador Lima Castro, 238 – Fonseca
- Largo da Batalha Regional Clinic – Rua Ver. Armando Ferreira – 30 – Largo da Batalha
- Ingenhuca Regional Clinic – Avenida João Brasil, s / nº, Ingenhuca
- Regional dispensary Pareto d. João da Silva Vizella – Rua Luiz Palmier, 726 – Barreto
- Base units of Engenhoca, Morro do Estado, and Santa Barbara
- New Point in Grojoba – Av. Carlos Ermelindo Marins s/nº – Jurujuba (in front of Colégio Estadual Fernando Magalhães)
- Family Medicine Program Units in Grota I, Grota II, Ilha da Conceição, Ititioca, Teixeira de Freitas, Jurujuba, Várzea das Moças, Alarico, Atalaia, Cafubá III, Cantagalo, Caramujo, Coronel Leôncio, Jonathas Botelho, Maceimio, Marins, Maruí, Matapaca, Preventório II, Sapê, Souza Soares, Viçoso Jardim, Viradouro, Vital Brazil, Zilda Arns.

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