Explosion-powered hypersonic propulsion systems capable of transporting humans to distant places on the planet, or even into Earth's orbit, are...
XPhoto: Sputnik In a letter to the scientific journal The Lancet, A group of nine researchers led by Enrico Pucci,...
Imran Ghulam Hussainwala is one of the leading experts in the open bank in the world. As head of the...
a Banco Inter Another novelty released. Now, FinTech customers will be able to use the "More Limits" function, which allows...
Social networking has long become the sales and branding platform for small and micro businesses. In a country with more...
This Wednesday (12), Santos recorded a decrease in the number of people receiving treatment in the health network from 502...
Chapquency e Figiency Face each other at 20:30 this Wednesday (12), at Arena Condá, for a place in the Santa...
Many users of the instant messaging platform, The WhatsApp, He did not like the company's decision to immediately suspend the...
Evangelical Lutheran Church United State He was elected on Monday (12) pastor Megan Rohrer To hold the position of bishop...
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the United States on Monday (12) elected Reverend Megan Rohrer to serve as bishop of...