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Black women on boards are revolutionizing senior decision-making

Black women on boards are revolutionizing senior decision-making

Furthermore, the Conselheira 101 movement, co-founded by Liciane Lemos, with the goal of encouraging the presence of black women on boards, has done essential work to change this unequal scenario, and has worked aggressively to increase representation in these positions.

Every Black woman on the board is revolutionizing the top of decision-making. In addition to being professionals, educators, and qualified professionals to be there, they bring with them social awareness and experience that has not been present for many years in council meetings and conversations, since a diversity and inclusion, ESG, and equity and fairness lens is inherent to their experiences in the community.

And also because, sometimes, they are still the only women, or the only black people in this composition, in a group made up of white men, who themselves are leading, in a gradual and organic way, thinking about the importance of having more proportionality and representation of the Brazilian demographic in the leadership of organizations, to an extent Expanding the list of Black professionals, LGBTQIAPN+, people with disabilities, 50+, among others.

Moreover, because they always carry with them the responsibility and commitment to breed, society and the future, which today is proving increasingly essential for business, companies and the longevity of the planet.

This Black November, I’m highlighting the importance of decolonizing business thinking by representing those with the pen in their hands. We need to separate Black Afro-Brazilian women from the history of slavery which, after the abolition of slavery, placed Black women in jobs with little or no social advancement and no intellectual development.

We live in a crucial moment. If you are part of a group that has been privileged throughout our history as a nation, all you have to do is decide whether you will become a factor that hinders or facilitates this social development.