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What types of artificial intelligence are there?

What types of artificial intelligence are there?

In the vast landscape Artificial Intelligence (AI)several categories illustrate the development of these systems, from interactive machines to the interesting research on self-awareness.

The pinnacle of this development is a form of artificial intelligence that not only understands users' intentions, but also develops a kind of consciousness of its own, a concept still limited to the realm of science fiction.

The amazing journey of artificial intelligence: from limited memory to self-awareness

Going further, we find artificial intelligence with limited memory, which operates within pre-defined parameters. This category is often applied in recommender systems, where AI uses past information to make suggestions.

A practical example can be found in popular chatbots that are able to answer basic queries on websites, retaining information only during the current interaction, without the ability to remember previous conversations.

Theory of Mind: A Deep Understanding of Artificial Intelligence

Theory of mind represents a big and even a bit scary leap toward deeper understanding. At this level, AI is designed not only to process commands and data InformationBut also to explain mental states, such as beliefs and intentions.

This capability results in a more personalized chat experience, opening the door to more sophisticated interactions.

Interactive Machines: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

At the most basic level, we have interactive machines, programmed to perform specific tasks without continuous learning.

Embodying this category, the IBM Deep Blue device, designed for playing chess, works by analyzing positions on the board and selecting moves based on pre-programmed algorithms. These machines perform actions according to specific commands, without the ability to adapt to new situations.

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Exploring the different types of artificial intelligence offers fascinating insights into how these systems are evolving to meet the increasing demands and complexities of the digital world.

From the simplicity of interactive machines to the complexity of theory of mind, artificial intelligence continues to shape the world future With unexplored promises and challenges.