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US authorizes sale of Black Hawk helicopters to Brazil – Technodepeza

US authorizes sale of Black Hawk helicopters to Brazil – Technodepeza

Today, May 24, the Agency for Defense Security Cooperation (Agency for Defense Security Cooperation – DSCA) announced that the Department of State has approved the sale of UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters to the Brazilian Army (EB) at an estimated cost of up to US$950 million, and provided the necessary notifications to the United States Congress.

The Brazilian government requested the purchase of 12 UH-60M helicopters; 34 T700-GE-701D engines (24 installed, 10 spares); 28 Eagle-M embedded Global Positioning Systems (GPS) inertial navigation (EGI) or operational equivalent (24 installed, 4 spares); and AN/ARC-231A radio systems.

If the sale goes through, the prime contractors are Lockheed Martin, Sikorsky, Stratford, and there are no known indemnification agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

According to the document, the sale will support US foreign policy and national security objectives by helping to improve the security of an important regional partner that is a force for political stability and economic progress in South America; Increase Brazil’s capacity to provide troop transport, border security, medical evacuation, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, search and rescue, and peacekeeping support; And encouraging both countries’ intention of greater military activity, Brazil would have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces, and it would not change the basic military balance in the region.

The acquisition will allow older AvEx aircraft such as the UH-60L to be decommissioned (Photo Hélio Higuchi)

Source: DSCA