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UEPG opens a fun science space on campus

UEPG opens a fun science space on campus

Arousing interest in science: that’s the goal Fun science spaceIt was opened this Friday morning (20) in State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG). The park contains outdoor games and educational equipment Ovaranas Campus It will be used in university courses for various activities with children and teenagers.

The location is strategic: between Museum of Natural Sciences (MCN) and Center for Comprehensive Care for Children and Adolescents (CAIC). The aim is to integrate a large complex of visits and entertainment for children and adults. The creation of the outdoor space is in line with the Campus Parque proposal, led by the UEPG management – ​​opening the university spaces to people. He highlights: “This fun science space is another piece of equipment in our Campus Park concept, which is a campus open to the community for everyone to attend, especially the outside community, but it is also a training laboratory for children and training future teachers, who will be able to use the existing structure.” for their educational activities.” The Rector highlights the importance of the work, which has its strengths in the pedagogical and comprehensive dimensions.

“I want to congratulate the technical staff at UEPG for making the space so beautiful. The design was great, and it was not only attractive to children. I think the children will have a big fight for the space with the older children who would also like to be here,” praised the general manager. For Itaipu Binacional, Ennio Ferri, through whom the funds were allocated, as Federal Representative, in 2021. “I would like to thank Professor Miguel and the entire team for accepting the allocation of the resource and using the resource in such an efficient and improved way.”

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Fun, environmental and scientific- Ciência Lúdica is approximately 1000 m² in size and includes an activity park, wooded areas and a range of rides and games. The park contains a coordination kit, benches, swing supports, bicycle racks, pergolas, a wheelchair-friendly basketball kit, swings (popular and wheelchair-adapted), a rope pyramid and a climbing dome to develop balance and motor coordination. The entertainment set includes giant chess sets, giant tic-tac-toe games, giant alphabets (and numbers), musical instruments, and sensory blocks.

Professor Andrea Tedesco, Provost for Planning, explains that bringing the university closer to its neighborhood enhances that the space is available to virtually everyone. “The children and young people whom we welcome to our universities today are the students of tomorrow. In this way we encourage the dream, the possibility of further study, the choice of a profession, and we awaken the joy of learning and the search for knowledge.” “But the space is not only intended for the little ones, adults can also enjoy it, being A place for leisure, rest, physical activity and reading. This space is also intended to be a place for rest and socialization, to welcome our staff and academic community, a recurring requirement that Proplan has sought to meet.

The floor mixes concrete and recycled tires, which is an environmentally friendly material suitable for playgrounds because it cushions shocks, in addition to having a mixture of colors and textures, which contributes to the sensory experience. Children can walk on a small mountain, ride the running and cycling track, in addition to benefiting from the projects that will be carried out on site.

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“This point is where we have a greater concentration of children and teenagers and where it is easier to reach these users. The space is fully available,” comments Campus Mayor, Elias Pereira. “In addition, this space has ample lighting and increases the feeling of security. It is close to the observation center and is the safest strategic location we have on campus.”

The Uvaranas Campus space already offers close contact with nature, but Ciência Lúdica will be a special corner in this sense. Around the garden, seedlings of purple ipê, yellow ipê, white ipê, manacá-da-serra, Acer Palmatum, Liquidâmbar, Pitanga, Blackberry, jabuticaba and acerola were planted.

With information: Punta Grossa State University.