The 2018 heavy snowfall came from the Barents Sea.

Arctic ice melting directly contributes to more snowfall in Europe. According to a study released on Thursday, about 90 percent of the snow that falls after the 2018 cold wave can be seen.

The severe weather event that paralyzed Britain and Ireland and the rest of Northern Europe between February and March 2018, the blizzard and cold caused by the Hartmouth anticyclone caused $ 1.17 billion a day of damage in the UK alone.

According to a study by an international research team, severe frosts were caused by particularly high temperatures in the Barents Sea. Sixty percent of its territory was snow-free during the weeks leading up to the cold wave, also known as the Animal from the East.

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As the Arctic warms, a polar hurricane, a tornado with low pressure cold winds, moves south.

We believe that sea ice is practically a cover for the sea

Said Hannah Bailey, a scientist at Olu University in Finland. The expert explained that as this “cover” has been disappearing in the Arctic for a long time since the 1970s, high amounts of moisture enter the atmosphere during the winter, which has a direct effect on the southern climate and causes severe snowfall.

Scientists have measured the isotopes of atmospheric water vapor in the period leading up to the extreme weather events of 2018. Because steam from melted ice contains isotopes different from open water, they were able to determine how much moisture the Barents Sea produces during this period.

By their measurements, about 140 gigatons of water have evaporated from the ocean – 88 percent of the moisture in the ice that fell in Europe.

According to analysts, if the current warming continues, by 2080 the ice-free Brands Sea will be the main source of winter moisture in continental Europe. This can cause major disruption to traffic and other areas of the infrastructure in the form of snow or rain. All of this is disrupting the food and fuel supply, destroying crops.

Bailey pointed out that it may seem paradoxical that hot water in the Arctic causes heavy snowfall in Europe. “However, the natural problem is that what is happening in the Arctic cannot be in the Arctic,” he said.

They measured an incredible value of almost 35 degrees in the Arctic Circle


Climate change kicked in: Experts measured 34.8 degrees in Marcuswinza, near the Arctic Circle, in July.

We came here: they measured 31 degrees over the weekend near the Arctic Circle


In Koynas, Russia, temperatures rose above 31 degrees Celsius over the weekend. The city is located near the Arctic Circle.