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Russia accuses the US of secretly trying to undermine BRICS progress

Russia accuses the US of secretly trying to undermine BRICS progress

The United States is secretly trying to undermine the BRICS group of emerging economies, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday. Russian news agency reported TossRyabkov said Washington did not want the group made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa because it could not be controlled.

“The US does not like everything out of its control and that is why it is working behind the scenes to undermine the BRICS,” he said in an interview. “Anything beyond the model of mono-leadership and American hegemony (…) causes rejection from Washington,” he stressed.

The diplomat blamed behind-the-scenes conspiracies, disruptions to projects and problems in the functioning of its institutions such as the Development Bank in US efforts to undermine the bloc’s relevance. “We have our own channels, mechanisms and forms of cooperation with each of the BRICS members, which continue to evolve despite US opposition,” Ryabkov said.

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He added that the new BRICS member states are fitting perfectly into the system and are working with enthusiasm. “The countries that have joined the Association are showing great enthusiasm and great interest. Your goal is to get results. There is no feeling that they are creating additional difficulties within the association,” he said.

According to the diplomat, the culture of the BRICS organization is not to get bogged down in differences between member states, but to move forward in a positive direction. “We appeal to all members to put aside their issues, disagreements and concerns regarding the behavior of other members of the association. This is not easy, but our experience shows that it is possible,” he said.

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The BRICS grouping has had two waves of expansion since its emergence in 2006. In 2011, South Africa joined the original group that included Brazil, Russia, India and China. In August 2023, six new members, including Argentina, were invited to join the association. Buenos Aires changed its mind at the end of December last year after the election of libertarian President Javier Millay.

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The other five newcomers – Egypt, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia – started working fully in BRICS on January 1, 2024.

(With Reuters)