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Nubank customers may be entitled to an additional withdrawal today (26/09)

Nubank customers may be entitled to an additional withdrawal today (26/09)

Nubank is a Brazilian credit card and fintech financial services startup with operations across Brazil. The bank, which is fully digital, is headquartered in São Paulo and was founded in May 2013 by three investors: Cristina Junqueira, Edward Whipple and Cristina Junqueira.

Since its launch, Nubank has been a huge success among Brazilians, because it offers a series of benefits and is constantly improving its financial services to improve the user experience. Furthermore, the company is considered one of the most valuable financial institutions throughout Latin America.

Nubank recently released an additional withdrawal opportunity for its customers. So, check below who has access to the values!

Additional withdrawals are released for Nubank customers. Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatec.pro.br

Nubank launches additional withdrawal opportunities for its customers

In recent days, Nubank announced the launch of an additional withdrawal for the financial institution’s clients. In this way, if a citizen has a bank account, it is possible to access an amount that is not in his account. This feature is intended for people who have a balance in their FGTS account.

The amount will then be released to those who have registered for the FGTS (Time in Service Guarantee Fund) Birthday Draw Method. This happens because people who sign up for the private draw must wait a full year before they can access the current value in the account. Through this withdrawal, the citizen can access part of the withdrawal in his account in the month of his birth. Through this method, it is possible to withdraw part of the funds in the account once a year.

Based on the new dynamics offered by Nubank, the enterprise client will be able to make withdrawals in advance. This happens because FGTS will loan your account, in order to automatically block the required amount from your fund account. This will allow you to arrive in advance.

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It is also important for workers to know that the federal government is taking action to change the format of birthday withdrawals. Given this, the new feature is essential for people who ended up changing the withdrawal type and were not aware that it is necessary to wait two years to return to the withdrawal termination, which is issued in the case of unfair dismissal.

Check also: What is Nubank’s “Guaranteed Limit”? How do I have an instant limit of R$10,000?

The government intends to make changes to the FGTS anniversary withdrawal

The Ministry of Labor is looking into ways to ensure that citizens are not harmed by Christmas withdrawals. A large number of Brazilians who chose this method currently feel desperate. This is because when people are evicted, they lose the right to partially withdraw the balance in their FGTS account.

Minister Luiz Marinho (PT) is organizing a bill so that citizens have the right to withdraw money when they are evicted. Therefore, for citizens who have chosen to opt out of the date of birth, change should happen soon. The proposal is that the dismissed citizen has up to 30 days to make a private withdrawal from the FGTS.

know more: Very easy: Discover how to develop your FGTS through Banco do Brasil in a quick and uncomplicated way