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MEC opens 20,000 vacancies for Science Literacy Course – Infonet – What’s new at Sergipe

MEC opens 20,000 vacancies for Science Literacy Course – Infonet – What’s new at Sergipe

Previously, 180,000 vacancies were filled, with a total of 200,000 available opportunities (Photo: Educa Mais Brasil)

The Ministry of Education (MEC), through the Avamec platform, has opened 20,000 new opportunities in the Scientific Literacy Course (ABC) online. The training is aimed at educational professionals working in the field of literacy and students from Degree.

Interested parties should apply through Location. Classes will be conducted through the municipal platform. Participants who register from now on will have access to all the content actually offered by the course, which has a capacity of 180 hours.

The course is divided into five parts and aims to update knowledge teachers Literacy teachers to teach the basic education For children in the first years of school in the country. The training also aims to identify the training needs of teachers in relation to teaching reading and writing, in order to promote literacy practices in Brazil.

The ABC course is Avamec’s second most in-demand after training: 3.6 million visits and is part of the Tempo de Aprender continuing education teacher exchange program. More than 180,000 vacancies have already been filled.

The training is a result of international cooperation between the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), the MEC Literacy Secretariat (Sealf), the Portuguese Institutions Universidade do Porto, the Porto Polytechnic Institute and the Universidade Aberta de Portugal (UAb).

Source: Agência Educa Mais Brasil
* With information from MEC

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