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Corinthians marketing director resigns amid allegations |  Corinth

Corinthians marketing director resigns amid allegations | Corinth

“An important victory, but Corinthians’ performance is not good,” says Karica | Fan sound

Sergio Moura is no longer Marketing Supervisor Corinth. The journalist resigned from his position on Thursday.

The professional denies any illegal behavior and promises to take legal action against anyone who accuses him or alludes to his actions. Sergio is treating his departure as a vacation, not a resignation. It is believed that he will be able to return to his position in the future after proving his innocence in court.

president CorinthAugusto Melo was pressured by allies to sack Sergio Moura. There are also calls for the sacking of Marcelo Mariano, the managing director who was also involved in negotiating the main sponsorship.

Sergio Moura’s replacement has not yet been identified.

Sergio Moura and Augusto Melo during the Corinthians match at the New Quimica Arena – Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

The main sponsorship contract raised a series of internal and external questions in Corinth It is being investigated by the club’s deliberative board.

Black and white opposition members want clarification over the payment of a commission of R$25.2 million to Rede Social Media Design. It is owned by Alex Fernando Andre, known as Alex Kasonde, who worked on Augusto Melo’s campaign for president of the country. Corinth.

This information was explored extensively by Rubens Gomez, known as Robau, when he left his position as director of football at the club at the beginning of this month.

Watch Antonio Oliveira’s press conference after the match between Corinthians and America-RN

Hey Corinth He expressed his opinion on the case through an official memorandum, in which he reiterated that “all negotiations, including sponsorship, were carried out legally with legally established companies. The club confirms that it is not responsible for any transfers of amounts to third parties. If and when they are submitted “Any evidence of illegal actions will be discussed with the Deliberative Council to take any necessary action.”

+ Watch: All about him Corinth On Globo, Sportif and GE