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Check out images from around the world from the Perseid meteor shower;  Scientists study the phenomenon of protecting ships in space |  Science and health

Check out images from around the world from the Perseid meteor shower; Scientists study the phenomenon of protecting ships in space | Science and health

Perseid meteor shower on the Pamir Plateau in Xinjiang Uyghur, China in August 2021 – Image: VCG/VCG via Getty Images

Anyone in the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil can observe, as early as this Sunday (13) the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, a phenomenon caused by the passage of the planet Earth through the region of space where the debris left behind comet 109P / Swift-Tuttle, which is orbiting The Sun every 133 years and last entered the inner solar system in 1992.

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Observers located in areas of the northern hemisphere will have the best view of the astronomical phenomenon. At its peak, people will be able to see 50 to 75 meteors per hour under ideal conditions. In the Southern Hemisphere, monitoring will be somewhat limited.

Metaru of the Perseids group crosses the sky in the Negev desert in southern Israel on August 12, 2023 – Photo: Menachem Kahane/AFP via Getty Images

This phenomenon occurs when the Earth passes through regions of debris left by comets. They are usually small, from dust particles to pebbles, and quickly burn up when they come into contact with the planet’s atmosphere. As the space rock falls toward Earth, air resistance on the meteorite causes it to melt, forming a glowing “trail”.

From a scientific point of view, the study of meteor showers makes it possible to estimate the amount and period of penetration of the largest debris on Earth. Through this study, space missions and satellite control centers can develop means to protect their ships and equipment. They are also important for understanding the formation of the solar system.

A view of the meteor shower over the Nalihan Bird Sanctuary in Ankara, Turkey on August 11, 2023 – Photo: Aytug Can Sencar/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

According to astronomer Marcelo De Cicco, Exoss Project Coordinator, a partner at the National Observatory, an agency of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (ON/MCTI), this is probably the most popular meteorite. “It is active during the summer months in the northern hemisphere, when weather conditions are most favorable for observing the so-called” meteor “.

Most of the Perseid meteors are faint, but the moon phase at peak activity will favor meteor viewing. The National Observatory states that the moon will be in the crescent phase and will not interfere with observation, as happened last year.

A view from the Lake Observatory in San Jose, California on August 10, 2023 – Photo: Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Visibility in the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil is due to the location of the radiant Perseids, which appear in the constellation Perseus. Radiant is a point in the sky where meteors appear.

“The lower the radiation in the sky, the less meteor shower is observed. And since the Perseids are low on the horizon, here in the Southern Hemisphere it will only be possible to observe a part of the meteorites, about a fifth or a third of the total radiated area,” explains DiCicco.


To try to observe a meteor shower, it is essential to be in a place with low light pollution. It is recommended that the observer seek a dark location away from major cities if possible to avoid light pollution. In addition, the perimeter lights must be turned off and it is essential that the weather be fine. The best time to witness this phenomenon is the dawn of August 13 between 3:30 am and dawn.

The northern region is the best in the country for observing, and people will be able to enjoy maximum rates of between 25 and 40 meteors per hour. In the northeast, maximum rates should be between 15 and 30 meteors per hour. In the Midwest, it’s estimated at eight to 20 meteors per hour. In the southeastern region, five to ten meteors are expected to be seen. The southern region will be the least preferred for viewing this phenomenon, and people will be able to follow the passage of five meteors per hour.

meteor showers

This phenomenon occurs when the Earth passes through regions of debris left by comets. They are usually small, from dust particles to pebbles, and quickly burn up when they come into contact with the planet’s atmosphere. As the space rock falls toward Earth, air resistance on the meteorite causes it to melt, forming a glowing “trail”.

From a scientific point of view, the study of meteor showers makes it possible to estimate the amount and period of penetration of the largest debris on Earth. Through this study, space missions and satellite control centers can develop means to protect their ships and equipment. They are also important for understanding the formation of the solar system.

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