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Who should undergo prostate cancer screening?

Who should undergo prostate cancer screening?

Among the risks mentioned were unnecessary biopsies, “overdiagnosis” — characterized by diagnosing a cancer that does not progress clinically and does not cause lifelong damage — and other complications, such as pain, bleeding, infections and stress.

According to the department, national and international guidelines recommend the use of PSA testing and digital rectal examination in men at high risk for prostate cancer and in men who have urinary symptoms that, although non-specific, may be related to the tumor.

For the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology, the indication for tests that help diagnose prostate cancer should be individual, taking into account the history of each patient.

The Brazilian Society of Urology recommends prostate cancer screening starting at age 50 for all men. Those with a family history of the disease and people of African descent should start screening at age 45.

“The Brazilian Society of Urology recommends that the entire male population starting at the age of 50 go to at least a urologist to talk and understand the risks and benefits of having screening tests. People with a family history [de câncer de próstata] Or people of African descent should start at age 45, except for patients whose father, grandfather or uncle had cancer at a young age. They should start screening ten years before their relative is diagnosed,” explained urologist Arnaldo Fazoli, from the Cancer Institute of São Paulo State (Icesp), in an interview with Portal Drauzio Varella.

International associations

The European Society of Oncology (ESMO) also does not recommend population screening (for all male population), due to the risk of over-diagnosis and unnecessary treatments.

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