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3 operators shut down WhatsApp and hit it

3 operators shut down WhatsApp and hit it

WhatsApp may start consuming data packets (Image: Disclosure)

Cell phone service companies have decided to change their strategies, after years of offering benefits to attract customers

The use of social networks has become indispensable in recent years. In the face of a true digital revolution, brands love it ClearVivo and Tim, which offer smartphone plans, need to reinvent themselves.

In the face of extensive competition among themselves, the trio began offering a series of benefits to attract as many customers as possible. Among them is the unlimited use of platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp.

Claro, Vivo and Tim
Cell phone companies, such as Claro, Vivo and Tim, have started to put an end to unlimited use of social networks (Image: Disclosure)

The value of the packages varies according to each company. But, of course, the freedom of being able to access social networks without deducting from the data package has ensured a huge list of new fixed payers for the companies involved.

However, things changed this year, as previously announced. The service, known as Zero Rating, has already been phased out in basic bundles, such as Vivo Easy and Claro Flex, which already offer a discount on Instagram and Facebook usage.

Until then, WhatsApp remains unlimited, but it has already entered the discussion with operators like Claro, Vivo and Tim (Image: Disclosure)

Will WhatsApp consume data packets?

Now, sad news for the operator's customers. Although it has not yet reached the ceiling like other social networks, it is also possible that the days of the free 4G chat app may be numbered in 2024.


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According to José Felix, president of Claro, launching this type of advantage was a mistake on the part of companies, which had already adopted new business strategies. With the fallout, this has raised the possibility that WhatsApp will also stop being 'free'.

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Lucas Brito

Lucas Brito is a journalist who loves to talk about everything, especially music, cultures, theories and good stories. His main goal is to become a great communicator and have the space to deal with social issues that he considers important, as well as the ability to express his opinion on fiction, such as soap operas and soap operas. e-mail: [email protected]