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TRETA is over, now it’s the real fun: the problem between Gerson and Varela win a new ring in Flamengo and Gabigol celebrates with Arrascaeta

TRETA is over, now it’s the real fun: the problem between Gerson and Varela win a new ring in Flamengo and Gabigol celebrates with Arrascaeta


The Duo managed to come up with another decision for Rubro-Negro and post a breakup photo of the group

Photo by Alexandre Loureiro/Getty Images - Gabigol and Arascaita have a flamingo rating
© Getty ImagesPhoto by Alexandre Loureiro/Getty Images – Gabigol and Arascaita have a flamingo rating

Flamengo succeeded in rediscovering the path of victory precisely last Wednesday (16), in the semi-finals of the Brazilian Cup. After being eliminated from almost all competitions in the year, as well as seeing Botafogo shoot at the top of Brazil, Maes Querredo was left to fight for the knockout tournament trophy. Despite the bad stage, which was mixed with disagreements regarding offenses in the team, the ace Gabigol tried to avoid any danger of nonsense.

The Nation’s President is now on September 16th and 23rd, when Robro Negro faces Tricolor for the Copa do Brasil title. While the Paulistas are still looking to win the competition for the first time, the Cariocas have their first shot at being a Penta, after taking Tetra in 2022. In contrast to how Gerson and Varela have spent the past few daysThen, Gabigol decides to find Arrasaceta.

Arrascaeta publishes for Gerson

This is correct Prince of the nation He went to enjoy the good vibes on Thursday (17th) at the home of the Uruguayan star Including a barbecue. The click, which would already generate many comments from the nation, still received a letter from Arrascaeta to Gerson as motivation. After everything that happened between the midfielder and Varela, the midfielder tried to help the team.

Gabigol arrives together and accepts Arrascaeta’s invitation

Gabigol wasn’t alone in being invited to the barbecue. In response to the open letter published by Gerson, which still referred to the problem of smallpox, Arrascaeta invited his friend, the midfielder, to dinner at his house. Without losing his good mood, the owner of No. 14 still urged Gerson not to miss the opportunity to eat grilled meat. With the updated wins, the weather is fine again in Ninho do urubu.

Tiago Soares, 23, is from Rio de Janeiro and grew up in Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Passionate about sports, with a focus on football and major events. Professionally with traffic on websites about tourism, personal finance, communications consulting, and favela journalism. You can follow my sports coverage here on Bolavip and on social networks with user @naredecomthigo.