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See the eye care needed to prevent eye diseases in the winter

See the eye care needed to prevent eye diseases in the winter

In winter, the coldest season of the year, low temperatures and low air humidity are common. However, experts point out that the main aspect of this period has changed this year. During July and August, for example, thermometers will continue to indicate higher temperatures in many areas of Brazil.

Therefore, some eye discomfort may arise due to cold and dry air, in addition to bad habits, which are exacerbated by high temperatures. It is important to double your care and attention to the health of your eyes, as this area is most affected by irritation and itching.

Low humidity in the air results in decreased eye lubrication, resulting in increased demand for medical care due to symptoms such as itching, redness, excess tears, burning sensations, light intolerance, and blurred vision.

Ophthalmologist Dr. Evandro Lucena, President of the Brazilian Society of Ocular Oncology, and Consultant at Rodenstock Brazil, explains that it is important to adopt specific eye care during the winter as well. “It is a time of year when the characteristic symptoms of dry eye syndrome, eye allergy or conjunctivitis appear,” he explains.

In general, the specialist explains, it is common for people not to notice or pay due attention to signs of eye discomfort, especially throughout the day, during daily activities. However, if you notice these signs, it is an indication that something is wrong. So here are some tips:

  • Consult a medical professional when you notice the first discomfort and avoid performing treatment yourself with eye drops without a prescription.
  • It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids. Hydration not only relieves the sensation of dry eyes, but also prevents the onset of many other syndromes and diseases that can be caused by dehydration.
  • Try to reduce the use of air conditioners. If you can’t, try using a humidifier in the room.
  • Blink more and reduce the brightness of your computer screen, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of it.
  • Try to cut off the natural light in the room using curtains or curtains.
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