Whether to spend only a few minutes in low orbit Land Or a few days around the planet, whether to get to know International Space Station (ISS) Or, after all, even when walking on the land of the moon, the truth is that the age of space tourism seems to have come for good. And those who can afford to live this amazing experience can do so (or almost that) even by balloon!

for standards NASA, of the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the US Armed Forces, the beginning of outer space begins at 80 km above the surface. The 80-kilometre line also has other proponents, including Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist and satellite tracker at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who called for its adoption in a 2018 paper.
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However, there is a different limit set in the international agreement, which is the framework accepted by the International Federation of Aviation (FAI). This boundary, called the Karmann Line, is located at an altitude of 100 km and was determined by the Hungarian-American physicist Theodore von Karmann, using the area where the forces of orbital dynamics exceed the forces of aerodynamics as a parameter.

In any case, the definition of outer space is not just a philosophical debate. This has real-world financial implications, given that some space tourism companies may sell seats on flights that technically don’t reach space, depending on where that limit actually is (which has already led to an exchange of criticism between the two parties. Virgo Galaxy – whose flights reach an altitude of 80 km – and blue originwhich, in fact, crosses the Karman line).
There is also some promise of a balloon ride into the stratosphere, which is 100 kilometers from the boundary between Earth and space. But, of course, it’s still an exciting tour, offering great views and promising to be an unforgettable trip. In this area, we have World View Enterprises and Space Perspective as options – the latter having already conducted a small test flight last year.

According to the company, a trip to the “edge of space,” using a giant airship carrying a luxury, pressurized seven-passenger capsule called Neptune, will be available from 2024 for $125,000, or roughly R$585. at current exchange rates. According to Space Perspective, 600 tickets have already been sold, and new reservations for flights have already begun to be taken from 2025.
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Even if the flight isn’t technically space, but rather a “stratosphere,” Space Perspective guarantees a great view of “explorers,” including Earth’s curvatureas well as traffic in and around places of natural beauty and cultural and historical significance.
Neptune cabins have swivel and retractable chairs, Wi-Fi, interactive screens, pantry, bar and 360-degree panoramic views in all environments. With windows 1.5 m high, the entire capsule is made in dark colors, mostly purple, in contrast to the white spacecraft typical of “competitors”.
Jane Poynter, co-founder, CEO and chief experience officer of Space Perspective, notes that Neptune was developed to be the most sustainable and affordable spacecraft — the only carbon-neutral option for space access — and the safest on the planet.
A typical mission will take off at dawn and take about two hours to reach an altitude of 30 kilometers. The Neptune spacecraft will then travel for two hours at this altitude, then take another two hours or more to descend toward a plunge into the ocean, after which it will be retrieved by ships. It will definitely be a very unforgettable and popular tour.
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