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PT sues STF for freezing National Science Fund resources

PT sues STF for freezing National Science Fund resources

Raise the PT (PT) to the STF (Supreme Federal Court) A Action In exchange for the emergency reserve of more than R$5 billion from the FNDCT (Science and Technology Development Fund) which is currently being used to fund research projects, including the covid-19 virus.

According to the party, the transportation violates Constitutional provisions relating to scientific development and social rights. The process report will be with Minister Nunes Marquez.

The party argues that the FNDCT should do “To finance innovation and scientific and technological development with a view to promoting the country’s economic and social development.”

Contingency reserve means a reserve of values ​​to be used only in specific cases. For Labour, this distribution is inconsistent with the articles of the Federal Constitution. He cites, for example, No. 218, which deals with The duty of the state to promote and encourage scientific development, research, training and innovation.


The Ministry of Economy told the newspaper State of Sao Paulo That the funds are being made available to help the government reach the initial outcome goal and will be released, but without a deadline.

According to data collected by the non-governmental organization Quntas Abertas, which the newspaper has access to, the budget of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) will be the lowest in the past five years, with just over 12 million R$ available.

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