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“Mysterious Stones” Lead to a Great Treasure Hunt in South Africa

“Mysterious Stones” Lead to a Great Treasure Hunt in South Africa

Over a thousand people from all over South Africa gathered in Kuahati, in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, In search of stones that many believe are diamonds.

Treasure hunters have been digging since last Saturday, after Word spread about a shepherd who discovered gem-like objects in an open fieldwhich some believe quartz crystals, which do not have the same amount of commercial value.

Diggers are not afraid of the fact that The stones have not yet been evaluatedLong lines of cars piled up on the gravel road along the open field.

Some have even started selling the stones they find without caring about their true value. Some copies are sold for R$110. See:

“Mysterious Stones” Lead to a Great Treasure Hunt in South Africa

One of the miners said they are a boon to a society with high levels of unemployment.

The 27-year-old father said this discovery “It means that our lives will change because no one has a proper job, I do strange things”.

“Mysterious” stones found in a field in South Africa (Photo: Reuters)

“When I came home with them (the stones) the family was very happy”He added, according to “Sun”.

For some, digging is a chance to see a diamond for the first time.

“I’ve never seen or touched a diamond in my life. It’s the first time I’ve touched it”, said Skhumbuzo Mbele, ignoring the fact that there was no evidence that it was a gemstone.

Hundreds of people are searching for
Hundreds of people are searching for “diamonds” in South Africa. Photo: Reuters

Diamond hunting in South Africa
Diamond hunting in South Africa. Photo: Reuters

The South African Mining Department sent a team of geologists and mining experts to survey the site. Provincial government officials have called for the area to be cleared to allow experts to conduct an in-depth inspection. But many immediately resist.

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South Africa has one of the worst unemployment rates in Africa, leaving millions in poverty since the end of apartheid in 1994. It is the most industrialized country in Africa, but it is admired 32.6% of its active population is unemployedAccording to the figures for the first quarter of 2021.