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Moraes calls Lewandowski after US denies data on Filipe Martins

Moraes calls Lewandowski after US denies data on Filipe Martins

The STF minister requested data from US authorities to show if Bolsonaro’s former adviser had entered the country by the end of 2022.

STF (Supreme Federal Court) Minister Alexandre de Moraes contacted the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, led by former Supreme Court Minister Riccardo Lewandowski, to obtain the entry and exit records of former counsel Philippe Martins. Jair Bolsonaro (PL), was arrested from February 8.

In a decision dated May 28, Moraes determined that the Ministry of Justice should request, at the request of the PGR (Attorney General’s Office). “Information on Existence of Official Entry and Exit Records” By Phillip Martins in the US. The order comes after US officials refused to hand over the data.

According to BGR, the attempt to obtain more information is justified, due to the lack of evidence provided by the PF (Federal Police), it has not yet been possible to confirm whether the former adviser boarded the presidential flight to Orlando. By the end of 2022.

At the request of the top body of the public ministry accepted by Moraes, the attorney general’s office is asked to conduct entry and exit searches. “Passport other than identified” By PF.

The request for information should be made to the U.S. government, as Itamaretti suggested, based on the 1997 agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between Brazil and the United States.


The US government told Minister Alexandre de Moraes in April that it would not provide information about Philippe Martins’ entry into or exit from the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (equivalent to Idamaraty) recommended that Brazilian authorities follow common international cooperation procedures through the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

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This recommendation, made by the PGR, was accepted by the ministerial decision on May 28, which implemented the ministry led by Riccardo Lewandowski. The Attorney General of the Republic, Paulo Connet, in the same demonstration, asked the US government to authorize Philippe Martins to consult his entries and exits into the country.

On demand, Konnet is coming from him “Curiosity” Philip Martins Disclosure by US Government. PGR said that possible answers can “strong” Former counsel’s thesis of defense.

Arrest and weak evidence

Bolsonaro’s former adviser was arrested in the operation on February 8, 2024 Tempus Veritatis Also detained. The arrest was authorized under the PF’s argument that Moraes accepted that Martins was a fugitive and that he was at risk of leaving the country.

The “danger of flight” is based on an alleged trip to Florida on December 30, 2022, but this information has never been substantiated by authorities in Brazil or the United States.

According to the federal police, Martins could travel to the United States with Bolsonaro “Indicate that he fled the country to avoid possible criminal liability”. The statement is at the end of Moraes. Read what’s in the document, which casts doubt on PF’s own statement (sections Brave Marked Shakti360):

“Philip Martins name is also on the passenger list on the Presidential flight to Orlando/USA on 12/30/2022. however, There is no record of the ex-consultant’s departure from immigration control, may indicate that he fled the country to avoid possible criminal liability. Whereas The whereabouts of the man under investigation is currently unknownIt is necessary to order preventive detention as a way to guarantee the application of the criminal law and prevent the person under investigation from deliberately acting to destroy evidence capable of elucidating the circumstances of the investigated facts.

Phillip Martins departure for the US is unconfirmed – but an arrest was sought anyway.

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About “Place of person to be interrogated” should be “uncertain”The PF ignored photos of Bolsonaro’s former adviser posted on an open profile on the Internet.

Also, when Martins was arrested, the PF knew where to look to arrest him: at his girlfriend’s apartment in Ponta Grossa (PR), 117 km from Curitiba – so, his whereabouts were known. He is now in the penal medical complex of Binhais (PR), the same complex where prisoners of the Lava Jato operation were held.

Copyright Reproduction/Instagram @gisellepepe – April 1, 2023

A picture posted on Instagram by the wife of Martins’ lawyer, Ricardo Pereira. This post shows a former adviser to Bolsonaro from April 1, 2023; Smartphone data indicate the image was taken on January 14, 2023, in the Garambe region, 140 km from Curitiba – the defense said the former adviser had moved to Paraná in late 2022.