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Lindora Araújo returns to office in the middle of the end of Arras’ term

Lindora Araújo returns to office in the middle of the end of Arras’ term

Lindora Araújo will resume her position as Deputy Public Prosecutor of the Republic on Friday (15/9), after three weeks of absence to deal with health problems, as reported by the newspaper The official diary of the federation (Do). She was on vacation in the United States when she had to undergo emergency surgery for an intestinal obstruction.

Lindora is once again embroiled in criminal proceedings being processed in the Federal Supreme Court (STF), such as investigations into fraud involving vaccine cards and the presidential sale of jewellery, both related to former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

The MP returns to work amid Augusto Arras’s last moments at the helm of the PGR. His term as Attorney General of the Republic will end on the 26th. Lindora, a known Bolsonaro supporter within the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), is expected to leave office at the end of Aras’ term.

She relieved the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic, Bolsonaro, during her administration, in an opinion relating to the indictment proposed in the final report of the Parliamentary Inquiry on Covid-19, in the investigation into fake news about vaccines, in the investigation into the leak of information from the hacker attack on the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). , as well as investigating attempts to interfere with the Federal Police (PF).

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