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Leaked documents show how Google’s algorithm works;  Understands

Leaked documents show how Google’s algorithm works; Understands

About 2,500 Google Docs have been leaked on the web, with information about the data collected by the company and its rankings of results in Google search. The leak was discovered by EA Eagle Digital’s founder, Irfan Azimi, in early May, and later confirmed by Google, on May 29th, and these materials provide an unprecedented look behind the scenes of big tech, highlighting the complexity of the rating system. Searches. Among the data are details about how the company collects, stores and uses user information, including clicks and Chrome browsing rules. Next, you need to understand how the leak occurred and the impact of Google’s data disclosure.

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Leaked data reveals how the Google search platform works; Understanding the Issue — Photo: Reproduction/Unsplash/Nathana Rebouças

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How was Google data leaked?

Google had mistakenly published internal data on GitHub, according to Entrepreneur – Image: Reproduction/Guilherme Ramos

The Google data leak was revealed in early May by EA Eagle Digital founder Irfan Azimi, who contacted reporter Rand Fishkin, from the portal. Spark Toro. According to the site contractor, The incident may have occurred in March, when Google mistakenly posted internal documents on GitHub, a developer platform owned by Microsoft. Azimi stated that he had no financial motive to publish the leak.

What do the leaked Google documents reveal?

Although the documents do not provide details about how the search algorithm works, the data provides an unprecedented look behind the scenes at major technology companies, revealing how the system organizes and stores data and how internal tools are used by its employees. The information also reveals new details about ranking factors in Google search.

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According to the Daily Mail, the data reveals that the system prioritizes a page’s click-through rate (CTR) to rank among its results, at the expense of the source’s reputation. In other words, sites that receive more clicks than impressions are considered more relevant and therefore may have a higher search engine ranking. In practice, as SEO expert Rand Fishkin explains, these standards can put fake news and misinformation at the top of Google search results, misleading the public and leading them to misinform.

Screenshot of leaked data about clicks, including their duration – Image: Reproduction/Sparktoro

It was also possible to learn that the company collects information beyond what was imagined, including clicks and data from Chrome browser users. The materials will also include information about a legacy AI service called Document AI Warehouse, used to organize and interpret large amounts of data and improve internal processes and products.

Why is the Google data leak important?

The impact of the Google data leak is still being debated, but experts are already warning of potential risks, such as industrial espionage and unfair competition. The information disclosed may contain details about Google’s methods of collecting, storing and using user data, which could be used to carry out cyber attacks and steal confidential information. The documents also provide technical details about large technology systems, allowing hackers to identify vulnerabilities and exploit them to gain unauthorized access or cause harm to users.

Leak reveals Google ranking criteria that could spread misinformation – Image: Reproduction/Canva

SEO professionals also express concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding the use of this data, which can directly impact the performance of online businesses. These revelations increase pressure on Google to be more transparent about its data collection and use practices. In an interview with the edgeGoogle spokesman Davis Thompson said you shouldn’t “make inaccurate assumptions about search based on out-of-context, outdated or incomplete information.”

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With information from the edge, Ebolrank, Spartoro, daily Mail that it contractor

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