Venezuela has scheduled a referendum to discuss annexing most of Guyana’s territory; The area has oil exploration areas
Itamaraty seeks as peaceful cooperation as possible Conflict between Venezuela and Guyana Through the territory of Esquipa. The Venezuelan government is scheduled to hold a referendum next December to discuss the constitution Annexing most of the territory of the neighboring countryAnd increasing tension between countries.
According to Metropolis, sources within the Brazilian government stated that the country is advocating a “peaceful resolution of this controversy.”
Furthermore, the Brazilian representatives seek to “remember the commitment to strengthening the Inter-American zone of peace and cooperation.”
Despite the impending conflict, Itamaraty is handling the matter privately with those involved, trying to prevent the public debate from heightening tensions.
Understanding the conflict between Venezuela and Guyana
Desirable Essequibo Lands Nicolas MaduroIts area is 160,000 square kilometers, representing more than 50% of Guyana’s territory, and it is bordered by Brazil. There are huge oil reserves in the region that are being explored by Russia, China and American companies.
Maduro has set a date for holding a referendum on December 3 to determine whether to invade the region or not. If the result is positive, the Venezuelan leader’s idea is to grant Venezuelan citizenship to the region’s 125,000 residents and create a state called “Guiana Esquipa.”
“We deeply believe in dialogue and agreement based on respect for our inalienable historical right that we have as a people. Equipa Guyana belongs to us with its heritage and centuries of struggle and sacrifices. Let us build true peace and prosperity for our boys and girls,” Maduro wrote on social media.
Meeting in The Hague
Last week, a meeting was held at the International Court of Justice at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, to hear the objections of the two countries about the situation.
At the hearing, Guyanese agent Carl B. Greenidge holds the national vote called by the Venezuelan government.
“The referendum that Venezuela has set for December 3, 2023 aims to obtain overwhelming popular support, deny jurisdiction and bring a future prosecution. By doing so, they want to undermine the authority and effectiveness of the main judiciary,” he said. Representative of Guyana, according to a report by O Globo newspaper.
Venezuela’s Vice President, Delcy Rodriguez, accused Guyana of “judicial colonialism” for appealing against the annexation in the international court.
“We have come to defeat the claim of judicial colonialism in Guyana, which is using this court to stop the unstoppable. On December 3, Venezuelans will vote.”
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