Read Isabel Drummond’s full note:
“Actress Isabel Drummond was robbed yesterday, 11/22, at 11 pm in the city of Leblon, by four assailants who were in a Pajero car, and they took some of the actress’s belongings, her friend, and the driver who was with her in her car. Everyone is safe and well, and she was not subjected to any kind of attack and was not He took the actress’s Audi car because the thieves were unable to start the car. The actress received good assistance from Lieutenant Colonel Lodorigo from the 2nd Battalion, who was able to recover all the belongings, as well as the Pajero car that was used in the theft, which was a stolen car.
The column also sought to visit the press office of the Prime Minister of Rio de Janeiro. She reported in a statement that the actress’s belongings tracking device pointed to a location in the Katete neighborhood. Check it out in full:
“The Press Office of the State Secretariat of the Military Police informs that Military Police officers from the 2nd BPM Division (Botafogo) were called on Thursday (11/23) to respond to the theft of electronic devices and personal items in the Leblon neighborhood. The victim reported that the object tracking device indicated a location in the Leblon neighborhood “Katete, where the police searched and found the belongings taken in the cabin of a parked motorcycle. In addition, a vehicle was also recovered. In addition to personal belongings, the owner of the motorcycle was transferred to Police Station 14 for clarifications.”
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