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Biden turns 81 amid concerns about his age ahead of the election

Biden turns 81 amid concerns about his age ahead of the election

Joe Biden, President of the United States

Photography: Reuters/Julia Nickinson

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, will turn 81 on Monday, a number that should attract attention. This politician is the oldest person in history to hold this position, and opinion polls have shown that Americans are concerned that he is too old to seek re-election.

Biden responded with humor to those who believe he is too old to hold the White House, trying to convince voters that his age and more than half a century of experience in public service are assets in solving the country’s problems.

“I’m 198 years old now,” Biden joked in June.

If re-elected, he will end his second term when he turns 86 years old. Republican Ronald Reagan, who was the oldest president to hold the office before, finished his second term at the age of 77, in 1989. Donald Trump, the leader who won the Republican nomination and will face Biden in 2024, is 77 years old.

In a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted in mid-September, voters expressed concern about Biden’s age and ability to lead the country. Overall, 70% of respondents, including 65% of Democrats, said Biden is too old to be president, while only 39% said he is mentally healthy to take on the presidency.

In comparison, 56% said Trump is too old for office, while 54% believe he is mentally healthy to face challenges in the White House.

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