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Haddad says BC needs government help

Haddad says BC needs government help

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said Central Bank (BC) The government should help ensure the economic growth of the country. Batista made the statement on Tuesday, the 28th.

“The central bank should also help us,” Haddad said. It is a being with two arms, one helping the other. I always insist on this thesis, because it gives the impression that one is spectating the other. This is not how economic policy should work. There are two active sides, vying for the same purpose, which is to ensure growth with low inflation.”

Haddad’s stance came after British Columbia reported, in the morning, that Brazilian inflation was caused by more money being pumped into the economy. And that control requires patience and serenity.

In response to the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom), Haddad justified that economic growth can only be achieved if there is coordination of fiscal policy, which is left to the treasury, with monetary policy, which is the responsibility of British Columbia.

The Committee was informed that there is an increase in public spending to finance income transfer programs and reallocate the budget in areas such as health and education.

The administration of Roberto Campos Neto, President of British Columbia, has been the target of much criticism from supporters of the Lula government. The Labor Party mainly attacks the independence of the financial institution and the value of the interest rate.

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