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When do you put up a Christmas tree?  Mark the date on your calendar

When do you put up a Christmas tree? Mark the date on your calendar

Christmas lovers, shopkeepers, and hustlers generally believe the theory that the sooner you decorate the house for the holidays, the better. However, depending on your religion or the country you live in, the answer to the question in this article can vary widely.

In general, Christmas is a Christian holiday, although people of different faiths have found their way to celebrate the end of the year. The historical Catholic tradition in Brazil holds that the date of the inauguration of his tree will be the first Sunday of Advent, which this year falls on November 27.

What is the coming of Christ? It is the time to prepare for the celebration of Christmas and it begins four Sundays before this holiday.

In other countries, such as Portugal and Italy, they tend to favor another date for the creation of the tree: December 8, the Day of the Immaculate Conception, which remembers the moment when the Virgin Mary conceived without sin.

Anglicans and Orthodox profess the faith, though Russians, Copts, and Egyptian Christians, Leave to collect the tree after 25Christmas is celebrated on the seventh of January.

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Traditions for this period may vary by country, religion, or even family.

Photo: iStock / Getty Images

And while the opening date of the tree in St Peter’s Square in the Vatican was choppy in early December, in the United States the tree is still erected at the end of November. According to Southern Living magazine, the custom is to start decorating the pine tree the day after Thanksgiving, which in 2021 will be celebrated on November 24.

In the Queen’s lands – the United Kingdom and Australia – the tree appeared in the rooms of houses between December 22 and 24. According to historian Martin Jones, author of “birthday and the British: a modern History”, the placement of the decor was previously seen as a sign of misfortune.

This tradition could have been borrowed from the Germans in the 16th century, but it was cemented in the Victorian era by the Commonwealth countries.

When do you disassemble it?

It is common in the United States to bid farewell to the tree on what is called “Boxing Day,” December 26, when Americans usually exchange gifts, make donations to the needy and traditional purchases of sale.

However, in Brazil and in many other countries, the tradition is to break up the tree after the Day of the Three Kings, on January 6, which commemorates the visit of the Magi to Jesus with gifts.

On the other hand, the Vatican advises that Christmas celebrations end on January 13, after the celebration of Christ’s Baptism – the last rite of Christmas in the liturgical calendar – which is held annually on the 12th.

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