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Virada ODS, adjacent lands, more vacancies and science award

Virada ODS, adjacent lands, more vacancies and science award

“Shifting towards the Sustainable Development Goals”
The Maringá City Hall is promoting the first edition of “Virada ODS” on July 13 and 14. This event, supported by the City of São Paulo, proposes awareness-raising and participatory actions to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The program will include lectures, meetings and various activities for the population.

Consumption intention
The household consumption intention index continues to decline in Paraná. The CNC and Fecomércio PR index saw a further decline in June, going from 95.7 points in May to 93.3 points in June, corresponding to a decline of 2.5%. The ICF in Paraná has shown successive declines since February 2024 and in annual change suffered a decline of 8.4%.

Palliative care
The proposal presented by MP Luisa Canziani (PSD) is being processed in the Chamber of Deputies, which deals with the adoption of palliative care through the Unified Health System (SUS). The author of the proposal highlighted that a large part of the population dies as a result of chronic diseases and therefore needs palliative care. She stressed that it has nothing to do with euthanasia, adding that one of the objectives is to provide greater transparency in medical treatment, as well as to preserve the quality of life of the patient and his family.

Honorary citizen
The Minister of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), André Mendonça, will receive the title of Honorary Citizen of Paraná, in the Legislative Assembly. Delivered on Monday (24th). The title proposal came from the First Secretary of the House of Representatives, Representative Alexandre Cory and Representative Alexandre Amaro.

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“an agreement”
The Chamber’s opposition leader, Felipe Barros (PL-PR), said in Brasilia that he intends to summon the Federal Court of Audit (TCU) and the Public Prosecutor’s Office (PGR) to investigate the legal agreement concluded by the bank from Brazil worth R$600 million in September last year. . According to the news, the Bank of Brazil agreed to pay a multi-million dollar fine to a group of companies.

Adjacent lands
With a measurement error identified by a resident of Guaratuba, on the coast of the state, and a review carried out by the Agua y Terra de Paraná Institute, as of 2025, Paraná will lose to Santa Catarina an area of ​​490 hectares that, until then, of Paraná soil, will become the domain of Santa Catarina . In practical terms, Parana will lose 0.002% of its territory.

The agricultural conflicts taking place in Bolivia and affecting the lives of Brazilians living in the country are of concern to Federal Representative Beto Brito (PSD). He met with the neighboring country’s ambassador to Brazil, Horacio Villegas Pardo, to alert Bolivian authorities about the effects of the conflicts on Brazilians living there.

Economy of Paraná
Ipardes and Faciap signed a Protocol of Intent with the aim of establishing technical cooperation to develop studies and data on the Paraná economy. The period is valid for five years. The agreement stipulates the use of the Parana State Database (BDE/WEB) to conduct economic studies and exchange information.

Nelson Welter
The party front formed by PT, PV, PSOL, PCdoB, REDE and PSB has launched the pre-nomination of Professor Nelse Welter (PT) for the position of Mayor of Toledo. “We will build a truly democratic and inclusive city project. As a group, we can aspire to transform Toledo,” Nelse said.

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More vacancies
UEPG is opening another 105 vacancies for 12 university courses. The courses are: Management with a focus on foreign trade. agricultural engineering. Bachelor’s degree in physical education. Certificate in physical education. Nursing, Certificate in Visual Arts; Bachelor’s degree in biological sciences. Civil Engineering; Computer engineering. Software Engineering; Opposite; and animal techniques. The Medicine course has expanded its offer by 10 places.

Science Prize
The Paranaense Prize for Science and Technology is open for applications to professors working in the field of university research and extension. In this thirty-seventh edition, the works shall focus on the fields of engineering and biological sciences. There are five categories in each region with a total of 10 prizes worth up to R$36,400. The deadline for submitting works is July 11, free and exclusively online.

At the beginning of this month, lawyer Antonio de Rueda assumed the position of national CEO of the Brazilian Football Confederation. Federal MP Felipe Franceschini remains head of the party’s state party. According to political speculation, the party in Paraná will have five priorities among the seven cities in the second round: Curitiba, with the Naye Librevost; In Londrina with Jairo Tamura; Maringa with do Carmo; Punta Grossa, with Elisabeth Schmidt and São José dos Pinhais, with Geraldo Mendes.

Column published simultaneously in 20 newspapers and associated portals. Find out more at www.adipr.com.bs.