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Launching a motivational program to cut electricity

Launching a motivational program to cut electricity

The federal government recently announced a program that provides a discount on Electricity Bills from the Brazilians. The measure will be applied to those who manage to reduce electricity consumption, both at home and in small commercial establishments.

Due to the scarcity of water at the country’s major hydroelectric plants, a Type 2 red flag has come into effect, which requires payment of an additional fee of R$14.20 per 100 kWh consumed. However, the invoice amount can now be reduced.

Electricity Reduction Program

The incentive program for the voluntary reduction of electricity consumption aims to reduce electricity bills. Thus, those who reduced their energy consumption between September and December 2021 compared to the same period in 2020 are entitled to a discount.

For this, the reduction should refer to 10%-20% depreciation in the previous year. The procedure is already in effect and is not mandatory. However, if you manage to stay between the two marks, you will receive a reward.

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It should be noted that those interested in participating in the program do not need to register. The project is valid for residents of urban and rural areas, industries, companies and companies that receive electricity through SIN (Interconnected National System).

As mentioned, the discount will be calculated based on its average consumption in the past four months. Thus, if a taxpayer saves less than 10%, it will not be covered, and the same is true for those who save more than 20%.

according to snake (National Electric Energy Agency), electricity distributors will have to inform customers of the reduction target, based on consumption from September to December 2020. In addition, the partial reduction calculations for each month must be disclosed, “in a clear and objective manner”.

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