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Income tax 2022: delayed delivery

Income tax 2022: delayed delivery

term Income tax The week of 2022 will be shorter because the advertising program has been delayed due to Standard employee process of revenue. Information from the National Sindifisco (Confederation of Federal Revenue Service Tax Auditors). The association says there is still a risk of further delays and technical problems (errors). The IRS announced this Thursday (24) IR . rules, explaining that the deadline will start only on March 7, unlike in other years, when it begins on March 1 or 2. The IRS also blamed the movement of staff for the delay.

“There is an unprecedented mobilization of servers, and this directly affected the team developing the advertising program,” said auditor Marcos Dantas, representative of the National Mobilization Leadership at Sindifisco. “If the government does not announce itself, we may cause further delays. And this program may come with a series of errors [erros]’, he announced.

Dantas also stated that the launch of the IR advertising program by Revenue is preceded by a series of debugging tests. These tests are performed by IRS auditors.

He said, due to the fill, many servers have given up on running tests to identify errors. There are also servants who held leadership positions.

“This software needs updates and reliability testing,” Dantas said. “The hundreds of reviewers who used to do that don’t anymore.” “In the end, we imagine he’s going to have a lot of problems.”

IRIS has not commented

The IRS has been questioned by UOL About the possibility of a longer delay in the launch of the program, scheduled for March 7, and about the possibility of errors. The agency did not respond until the date of publication of this report.

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Since December of last year, IRS employees have been demanding the regulation of the 2017 class bonus. For this purpose, they are encouraging standard operation in various sectors of the agency, delaying projects such as IR.

The regulation of the bonus will mean, in practice, an increase in the pay of auditors – one of the highest paid categories among federal civil servants. Today’s tax auditor pay ranges from R$21,029.09 (initial) to R$30,303.62 (the highest in the job).