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Globo tells the court that it found no evidence of harassment

Globo tells the court that it found no evidence of harassment

Globo told Justice Department that it had thoroughly investigated the complaints about Marcius Melhem and that it had not been possible to prove that he had committed sexual harassment. The statement is part of a defense filed by the broadcaster on September 12, 2022, in a large-scale action by the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT) in Rio de Janeiro where it is accused of allegedly permitting the practice in a professional setting. .

The company said that the investigation was conducted by its compliance department and that, in the end, and based on information provided by persons against and in favor of the former manager, it concluded the following: , given the legal features required by the behavior to characterize it.”

Marcius Melhem was accused of sexually harassing Dani Calabresa and seven other women, who also denounced the comedian. However, according to information from Veja magazine, in the embodiment of justice, Globo rejects the hypothesis of the crime and the broadcaster’s lawyers still remember that the famous person is not even a defendant in the investigation of Debasia de Assistência à Mulher do Rio de Janeiro (Diem).

In the action, which is taking place in the Employment Tribunal, MPT has requested that Globo provide a history of the past five years of cases for which compliance has been analysed, which has not been done. The authority then appealed to the Federal Public Prosecution Service, but the application was archived. According to MPF, the channel did not violate the decision and confirmed that Melhem’s case is already included in the case file with all the necessary details, reproducing arguments similar to those of the company.

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After his separation from Globo in August 2020, Marcius Melhem admitted to having a consensual relationship with some women at the core of his work and admitted to some unrequited flirting with others. However, he has always vehemently denied that he committed sexual harassment and claimed to be the victim of a conspiracy.