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Cagece qualifies as an Institute of Science and Technology (ICT)

Cagece qualifies as an Institute of Science and Technology (ICT)

Cagece qualifies as an Institute of Science and Technology (ICT)
Image: Disclosure

Water company The Ceará Sanitation Authority (CAJESI) has become a public administration body of the Government of Ceará qualified as an Institute of Science and Technology (ICT), according to the current definition set forth in Law No. 13,243/2016 and interpreted by the Federal Attorney General's Office (AGU).

This qualification has become possible after the recent change in the company's internal regulations, which now highlights as one of its tasks the conduct of basic or applied research, of a scientific or technological nature to improve its products, processes and services. It is worth noting that this is an activity that the company has officially undertaken since 2007 with the establishment of the Innovation Zone (Geped). The change in Cagece bylaws meets legal requirements within the scope of the Legal Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation (MLCTI), at the federal level.

According to Roner Gundem, sustainability supervisor at Cagece and coordinator of the Technical Innovation Chamber of the Brazilian Association of State Sanitation Enterprises (Aesbe), this measure aims to accelerate research in the field of innovation, contributing to its generalization and improvement. Providing basic sanitation services not only in Ceará but also in Brazil.

In Ceará, the ICT qualification allows Cagece to enjoy the benefits of the Legal Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation (MLCTI), which guarantees incentives for scientific development, research, scientific and technological training and innovation. “The company can, for example, be exempt from taxes and equipment imports, and share company facilities such as laboratories, equipment, tools and materials for research, development and innovation activities, among others,” explains Runer Gundem.

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Modernity also increases Cagece's opportunities to obtain new partners to develop research at the national and international level, in addition to making it possible for the company to award scholarships to encourage innovation to interested researchers.

As coordinator of the Technical Innovation Chamber of Aesbe, Runer Gundem also highlights that other state companies are also encouraged to meet the legal requirements that qualify enterprises as ICTs, so that they can benefit from the same benefits, thus strengthening the country's position. Sanitation sector.