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Bruna Biancardi appears after news of Neymar’s alleged betrayal

Bruna Biancardi appears after news of Neymar’s alleged betrayal

Bruna Biancardi on Monday (19) spoke out about rumors of alleged infidelity by Neymar Jr. The statement came after journalist Erlan Barros announced that the former model, who is pregnant, and the soccer player would have a “free pass” relationship, which would allow Neymar to be with other women. According to the portal Metrópoles, influencer Fernanda Campos claimed that she was involved in wearing the number 10 jersey of the Brazilian national team on Valentine’s Day.

In the stories, Bruna posted a message she sent to Erlan after the news broke. “Where did you get the shit you’re posting from, honey? Deal what?”, I wondered. “Show the proof, then! For if you don’t show it, it will be a big operation on your back.”, I finish. However, the post was deleted shortly afterwards.

Post provided by Bruna Biancardi in Stories. (photo: playback / Instagram)

The journalist did not like the letter at all and posted his response, which he gave during the “Programa da Tarde” on Rede Meio Norte, with the comment: “My response to Biancardi. Do you stay silent on social media because of cheating? If it’s not a deal, why not attack your ‘love’? Simple!”. In the video, he says that Bruna and Neymar “They use the Internet to advertise the perfect relationship.” Which “He was butted on Valentine’s Day.”

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“If there was no agreement, you should go to the social network and call it all bad. Why were you so quiet? Why didn’t you say anything? He would post eating cake, day in and day out. He would even post ads. If you didn’t have an agreement, move on.” Go to the social network and say whatever you want to say to Neymar. Now, it won’t work to take the focus off attacking the journalist.”to cut.

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The journalist even refuted the former model’s statement that she would sue him. “Look, my dear. I know you’ve made a living there already, it’s all right. You have to keep quiet so you don’t lose what you already have, but attack the journalist with a little letter like that… I insist on suing me. I embarrass you in court because he’s among 100 Artist sued, 98 artists lost. You’ll be another one, because you’ll be late knowing who my source is, and who is so close to you… so…to you and to him,” advertiser.

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“So, people on the internet who get this story: ‘Oh, respect pregnant women,’ ‘Respect women.’ It’s funny that she attacks me with stories, because when she posts stories, she wants her fans — there are fans — to attack me and play hate.” Then if I’m going to defend myself, I have to be silent, I can’t attack. Then her husband, her fiancé, her boyfriend who I don’t know who I respect, who made her pregnant she doesn’t respect, then they want to put this condition over me. Negative, colleagueErlan declared.

Finally, the speaker said that he will wait for the operation and that all the money he earns will be donated to an organization in need. “I started working with celebrity journalism yesterday, ma’am… I didn’t. And I live working… working, you know what that is?”, He finished. On Twitter, Bastos also commented on the fact that Bruna deleted the post: “In fact, I deleted the stories I wrote. Because those who have c* are very afraid.”

At F5, Fernanda explained Neymar’s alleged infidelity. “before the event [suposta ficada]They did not follow Celebrity Networks. Until then, the endings and twists for me were normal. You can’t tell if he’s in a relationship.”, justified. Wanted by hugogloss.comThe player’s team preferred not to comment.

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