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Jogo Todinho loses his patience and assumes "Lucas wanted to make a riot"

Jogo Todinho loses his patience and assumes “Lucas wanted to make a riot”

after parting Jojo Todinho He became stranger with Leo Dias, a columnist for Metropoles. On her Instagram profile, the celebrity criticized the journalist, who ended up revealing who he would be Lucas Souza’s new relationshipThe singer’s ex-husband.

“Then Ludmila calls it a soft egg. I don’t have much patience. Do you have time? Do you have time, son?” Gogo, looking visibly nervous, said, “I’ll get you some rugs to wash very quickly.”

And in the video sequence, the celebrity also said that she called the journalist and received a special message: “You have succeeded in ending my patience. According to the Leo Dias team, who answered me directly, they found out with the people who were in the club. So, if they find out with these people, They had to see that Lucas wanted to start a riot with me and that the security guards took him out.”

Without escaping from her ex-husband’s alleged affair, she tells Jojo how they met and that Lucas is not an award: “The girl looked like she was going to the Barrettos show, she was putting on shoes and kissing Lucas and looking at me as if she had won an award. Baby, that’s not an award for me. She said:” Of the many people I sat on, I was going to get on a plane to go to the States.”

In the videos posted in the stories, while doing her nails, Jojo Todinho said she is not a woman crying over a man and criticized the position of the military: “I will not cry because of a man. For those who were crying early in the stories and then were in the cabaret with glasses on their faces and dancing, They get over it quickly. You look at my face, if I were to be in the street crying because of a man.”

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At the moment, Jojo said Lucas Souza is in a hotel and is no longer at his house: “I don’t have any issues with Lucas and I hope it’s not and I didn’t want to fix any of them, because I’m impatient. So team Leo Dias, get it right Right. If he was suffering, he should stay in the hotel. He would do what he drank in the cabaret and make fun and kiss another. That doesn’t matter to me.”

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Finally, she said she was reborn from the ashes, recalling a phrase she said on the couple’s first breakup: “Nothing I said about Lucas here is a lie. He’s a really nice guy, but it didn’t work out. I’ll follow my dance and he’ll follow. I’m out of trouble. Just to get over it , I said I’d be a widow and wouldn’t be separated. Guys, I feel like I’m widowed and reborn from the ashes”

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According to Leo Dias, her ex-husband could have caught him kissing another woman, and thus, he could have burst into tears. In the text, the columnist claims that Lucas Souza was seen with a woman at Veterini, a popular nightclub in Rio de Janeiro, last Saturday (29), on the same day he announced his separation from Jogo Todinho.

The memo also states that Lucas told the journalist’s team that he would not have an “affair”: “I don’t have an affair. Nobody. I won’t date anyone for long. I don’t have a head for that. But I can’t stop my life.”

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