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The Municipal Secretariat for Science and Technology is present at the National Science and Researchers Day – Rio de Janeiro City Hall

The Municipal Secretariat for Science and Technology is present at the National Science and Researchers Day – Rio de Janeiro City Hall

National Science Day – Gui Espíndola / SMCT

The Municipal Secretariat for Science and Technology (SMCT) was present this Sunday (07/16), in Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, during the event “Domingo com Ciência na Quinta”, which celebrated National Science Day, National Researcher, 75 years of the Brazilian Society For the Advancement of Science and 205 Years of the National Museum.

The flag is back. We cannot forget that Rio has a great concentration of teaching and research institutions. Therefore, it is essential that we always promote and support such measures, which encourage people to seek new knowledge – said the Municipal Secretary for Science and Technology, Tatiana Roque, who spoke during the event.

Visitors who went to Quinta da Boa Vista were able to enjoy activities offered by SMCT such as Projeto Estação Rio de Tecnologia, with one of the mobile vans set up to sign up for free workshops. The initiative, a partnership between SMCT, Firjan, Senai and Sesi, seeks to attract new audiences to the digital world and contribute to improving the quality of life through the dissemination and promotion of technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, creative economy and communication.

In the tent set up by SMCT, the audience was able to learn more about the Naves do Conhecimento project, such as the courses and other free activities that are offered monthly in the nine units. There was also an exhibition of the drones used in the Naves courses, providing the public with a more detailed view of this equipment. To complete the experience, virtual reality glasses were provided to the audience to explore this technology.

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But the one who made the kids happy was the Sanbot, a legacy from the 2016 Olympics that is located in the Engenhão Knowledge District.

The “Domingo com Ciência na Quinta” event was organized by the Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), the Network for the Popularization of Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (RedPOP) and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) with the support of the Municipal Secretariat of Science and Technology and several state scientific institutions and patriotism.

Tags: National Science Day Rio City Hall Rio de Janeiro City Hall Quinta da Boa Vista Municipal Secretary of Science and Technology