Record will make changes to its weekend programming starting Sunday (25). The broadcaster will focus on two different formats, with game shows, entertainment and news, to increase its audience. Record’s idea is to compete with SBT, which is only outperformed by Edir Macedo on this day of the week and recently lost Eliana Michaelichen.
Rachelle Sheherazade, who just left the helm of A Grande Conquista 2, will be in charge of Domingo Record. The program, which will mix live journalism, entertainment and outside interviews, was created by the team just three months ago.
To boost public interest, the former Fazenda interviewed Davi Brito, winner of the BBB 24 award, as well as Graciele Lacerda and Zizi de Camargo. Sheherazade also recorded outside reports in metro stations and will present a kind of reality show to follow the weight loss routine of journalist Reinaldo Gotino.
Rachel said she hasn’t had a break since she left the leadership of the Great Conquest. “It’s been a struggle, it’s been a struggle, but a good struggle. Imagine adapting one work to another? I was still there when I got the invitation to lead this project. It was a very pleasant surprise,” she described in an interview with journalists last Wednesday (14).
“I had very little time, but as in everything I do, I dedicated myself a lot. I have a very professional team, behind the scenes, that gives me all the support and tools necessary to make this program a Sunday opening. We hope to win the hearts of Brazilian viewers,” she added.
Domingo Record airs from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Rachel Sheherazade will pass the baton to Tom Cavalcanti. The comedian and host will host Acerte ou Caia, a question-and-answer game show inspired by the format presented in Argentina – and already fully recorded.
The record team and all 176 participants were paid to travel to Buenos Aires so that the attraction would be identical to the original. In each episode, 11 celebrities will face each other for a prize of up to R$300,000. They are placed on a rotating stage and need to perform well in a test conducted by Cavalcanti. If they make a mistake, they “fall” into a pit.
The first season will consist of 16 episodes and will air from August until December 1. The premiere stars: Adriana Pompom, Diolani Bezerra, Edilson Capitinha, Gisele Becalho, Gustavo Mendes, Hugo Rosa, Thiago Becalho, Rafael Cortez, Rodrigo Cabella, Sara Andrade and Silvia Abravanel.
Tom Cavalcanti said the show was funny and would generate memes on the internet. “When Acerte ou Caia was presented to me, it caught my attention and I wanted to do it with great care. Back to Sunday after a hard day’s work,” he said.
“Prone to fits of apathy. Problem solver. Twitter buff. Wannabe music advocate.”
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