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Rescue teams find a dog in a cage

Rescue teams find a dog in a cage

When members of the SPCA of Pennsylvania, in the United States, learned about a group of… Retired service dogs Living in precarious conditions in a poorly managed shelter, they decided to act quickly.

just imagine, Hero dogs who have spent their lives devoting themselves to humansThey spent their golden years in an unsafe and dirty place without the recognition they deserved?

Well, one of those dogs was him German shepherd Caesar. When he was 6 years old, Cesar devoted his early years to detecting explosives.

He was supposed to have a dignified retirement, but instead he spent his first year of rest trapped in a small, filthy cage.

His fur was all tangled and his life was confined to that little cage.

Fortunately, his friends at the SPCA decided to change his fate – and mine About 30 dogs Retired service workers.

“Respected dogs who sacrificed everything for humanity are now subject to a life of filth and neglect,” the SPCA wrote. Facebookon May 24.

“Bodies that were once lean and brimming with strength are now withering due to untreated medical issues. What was supposed to be a refuge for these heroes ended up being quite the opposite.

Over the course of several months, the PSPCA has welcomed the neighborhood 30 German Shepherd Dogs, Belgian Malinois, and Labrador Retrievers In your care.

The medical and behavioral teams worked hard to heal the physical and emotional wounds these dogs bear.

Now, they and Cesar can relax as they eagerly await the home they deserve.

Many of these dogs have even found homes. Some went to Alaska and Arkansas, others stayed close to home.

At the SPCA, Cesar has space to run, play and learn what it means to be a happy, playful puppy.

“He loves chasing tennis balls, maybe a little too much, so we’ve been working with him on alternative activities and learning to relax,” said Renee Brooks, a member of the behavior team at the SPCA of Pennsylvania. Dodo.

“He’s learning how to frisbee and feels comfortable in the family…and when he trusts his employees, he cares deeply about them. He’s also learning to enjoy his time in the pool during hot weather.”

Shelter volunteers hope Cesar will be welcomed into a loving family with experience working with working dogs.

They hope that Cesar can find a family to keep him Busy and amused.

“My greatest hope for Caesar is that he will always have a warm place to rest his head, a full belly, and loving humans who will show him nothing but patience and love in his golden years,” Rene said.

While the owner of the kennel who previously kept these dogs in unsanitary conditions pleaded guilty to cruelty to animals and His dog breeding license was revoked.

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