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New credit limit especially for MEI

New credit limit especially for MEI

Small Individual Entrepreneurs (MEIs) can draw on lines of credit designated to them, which can offer better payment terms. Now, the National Bank for Economic and Social Development, BNDES, has announced that this public will be able to benefit from the credit line on a permanent basis.

First of all, it should be noted that this line is part of a program launched in 2020. Thus, the launch, at the time, was intended to help companies that ended up in debt as a result of the effects. from the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19. The action aims to facilitate access to credit for this group. See more below.

Do MEIs already know this credit limit? / credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatec.pro.br

New MEI Special Line of Credit

First of all, it should be noted that the program that was launched to help entrepreneurs during the pandemic was called the Emergency Access to Credit Program (FGI-PEAC). Since its launch, it has provided loans totaling R$115 billion. More than 130,000 companies have benefited from this measure and the average value of loans is R$665,400.

However, in March 2023, the Federal Senate was responsible for approving Provisional Measure No. 1139/22. So soon there was a change to the program: Now, it’s permanent. Now, the text will go to the sanction of the President of the Republic, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (Workers’ Party).

By making the program always accessible, entrepreneurs who decide to turn to a private line of credit will be able to count on greater stability and predictability.

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What does the program offer?

According to the announcement, the projections are that MEI’s private line of credit will have an incentive of R$21 billion. However, it should be noted that not only MEIs are able to benefit from this procedure, but also small and medium-sized companies.

Currently, the project is responsible for supporting a credit portfolio of approximately R$61 billion. With this, new appointments may be associated with 30% of the total volume.

According to Aloizio Mercadante, the current president of BNDES, this measure could be useful for fueling the economy and reducing mistrust regarding credit. In this sense, the BNDES will be responsible for assuming approximately 80% of the risks of each operation, and the amounts will be transferred to the 70 partner institutions of the programme.

MEI invoices in a new form

Those who are MEI will need to file invoices from the federal government portal from September 1. This new model comes to standardize the bills that are, at present, linked to the town halls of the city where the MEI is located.

It will be possible to issue invoices through the NFS-e Mobile application, or through the official portal of the Federal Government, at the address: https://www.gov.br/nfse/pt-br.

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