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July 4 is a milestone for corn in America

July 4 is a milestone for corn in America

This harvest, the crops grow exactly as planned

This harvest, crops grow exactly as planned – Photo: Pixabay

Fabio Meneghin, the founder of Veeres, on his social network LinkedIn, said that for the agricultural sector in the United States, the July 4 holiday is more than a celebration of national independence. On this date, corn reaches the bolting stage and soybeans begin to form their pods, marking a critical moment for harvest.

This harvest, the crops are formed exactly as planned by the producers. Weather conditions are practically ideal, promoting more favorable production opportunities. Some states benefited from higher rainfall than last year in key agricultural areas and even set production records.

Despite promising current conditions, Menekin highlights that the final definition of productivity is still 60-70 days away. Favorable rainfall during this critical period is essential for crops to reach their maximum potential. Short-term forecasts (next 10 days) are encouraging, raising hopes for an exceptionally good harvest.

So far, the harvest looks promising, reflecting the commitment and planning of agricultural producers, benefiting from the climate. It remains to be seen for the next couple of months to see if these positive expectations materialize, ensuring strong and record-setting agricultural production in the United States.

In short, the current harvest, marked by favorable weather and growth on schedule, presents a promising outlook for U.S. farmers. If rainfall forecasts are positive, productivity potential can be reached, combining for a strong and potentially record yield. This scenario reflects the effectiveness of producers’ planning and the importance of adequate climate factors for agricultural success.

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