Actress Dira Paes premiered her first film as director, “Pasárgada,” on Tuesday at the Gramado Festival. The intimate film, which follows an ornithologist, played by the actress herself, was made during the pandemic and also explores scenes in video conferences. In it, Irene, the protagonist, talks to her sister, played by Kasia Kiss.
The casting of Kes came as a surprise to the audience, given the conflicting political stances of the rest of the cast, which also includes Humberto Carrao as the woodcutter Manuel. Both Carrao and Paes spoke out politically against former President Jair Bolsonaro, with Kes supporting them.
“Kasia is a wonderful actress, we were sisters in the film ‘Ele, o Boto’, directed by Walter Lima Jr., and I immediately thought of her for the role of my sister. I love Kasia Kis, despite all our ideological differences,” says Paes.
the Binder I learned from the film team that the request to participate was made before Kiss became a visible figure in the anti-democracy protests and that the decision was made to respect her legacy as an actress.
País’ feature film competes in Gramado with six other feature films and will be released in September. This year, actor Caio Platt and critic Marcos Santuario curated four of the seven films participating in the feature film fair.
The journalist travelled at the invitation of the Gramado Festival.
“Prone to fits of apathy. Problem solver. Twitter buff. Wannabe music advocate.”
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