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Art books published by Panini will win “Elden Ring”.

Art books published by Panini will win “Elden Ring”.

If you are a fan of “Elden Ring”, today’s suggestion is for you to start saving money. This is because Panini has officially announced that they will be publishing the art books for the game.

In order to delight those who follow the game, there will be two artbooks, each over 400 pages long. The prints were launched in Japan last year and are now coming to Brazil. Check out the “Elden Ring” art book covers:

Image: FromSoftware

Despite the great news Panini announced, the publisher has yet to confirm to the public when the books will be officially released. Therefore, it is important to pay attention so as not to miss any details or release of these great works for fans of “Elden Ring”.

Artbooks will contain a wide variety of information about the RPG, including: art pieces, maps, concept images, items found while exploring the game, and much more. All this so that the “Elden Ring” fan can 100% immerse himself in this amazing universe.

Find out more about the “Elden Ring”

The game is part of the fantasy, adventure and action RPG genre. It was created in a unique environment by Hidetaka Miyazaki- The name might sound familiar to you since he also made “Dark Souls”.

Plus, “Elden Ring” shared a very special person who has conquered pop culture in recent years: None other than George R.R. Martin, creator of “Game of Thrones,” one of HBO’s greatest hits.

It doesn’t stop there. The Elden Ring was so successful that it will get a new expansion for fans who want to enjoy this Scandinavian setting even more.

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The Elden Ring has become one of the biggest games of the day, becoming a huge hit with fans of the game. Therefore, it is widely commented on and gaining more and more details. Cool, isn’t it?

The game is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and PC.