The obstacles brought by Mercury retrograde may intensify in August, as it occurs in the sign ruled by the same planet.
The Mercury retrograde period in Virgo, which begins in August, is expected to be one of the most challenging periods of the year. The planet of communication, which rules Virgo, can add to the difficulties and unexpected events that already characterize this phase.
Prepare yourself for a period of rework, revisions, and adjustments, as we navigate the nuances of this astrological transit.
Mercury Retrograde: A Phase of Review and Re-evaluation
Mercury retrograde is a period that affects communications, technology, transportation, and organization. The retrograde energy causes disorganization, delays, and unexpected events, requiring more attention and flexibility.
During this period, it is common to experience communication problems, such as misunderstandings, incomplete information, and difficulties expressing our thoughts.
Transportation can be affected by delays, cancellations, and unexpected changes in plans. The use of technology can also lead to failures and instability.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Specific Challenges
Virgo’s influence on retrograde Mercury intensifies challenges related to organization, routine, and work. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, strives for perfection and order, which can become a factor of frustration during retrograde.
Attention to detail and organization are essential to avoid mistakes and unexpected events. Communication can become more critical and perfectionistic, leading to arguments and conflicts. It is essential to remain calm and patient to deal with adversity that may arise.
Opportunities and learning
Despite the challenges, Mercury retrograde in Virgo also provides opportunities to review our routines, rethink our plans, and improve our work processes. a job.
Retrograde energy invites us to look to the past, learn from mistakes, and make adjustments for the future. It is a good time to:
- Routine review: Identify what bothers you and re-evaluate your habits and activities.
- Re-evaluate plans: Check if plans are being implemented as planned and make adjustments if necessary.
- Improve business processes: Find solutions to improve tasks and enhance productivity.
- Taking care of your health: Review eating habits, exercise, and attention to physical and mental health.
- Complete pending tasks: Finish projects that have been left behind and review the work that has already been done.
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Dealing with difficulties
Retrograde energy can create frustration, anxiety, and impatience. It is important to remember that this phase is temporary and that we can use the right tools to deal with difficulties.
- Meditation and relaxation techniques: Calming the mind and reducing stress are essential to facing the challenges of this period.
- Patience and flexibility: Avoid getting frustrated by unexpected events and be prepared to deal with changes in plans.
- Clear and assertive communication: Explain your ideas clearly and avoid misunderstandings.
- Organize and plan: Write down appointments, tasks, and important information to avoid forgetting them.
- Take care of your health: Prioritize physical and mental health by eating a balanced diet, exercising, and resting.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo is a period that requires attention, organization, and flexibility. Take advantage of opportunities for review and learning, but be prepared to face challenges and deal with frustrations that may arise.
He remembers: Retrograde energy is fleeting, and with planning and organization, we can navigate this phase with greater lightness and clarity.
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“Prone to fits of apathy. Problem solver. Twitter buff. Wannabe music advocate.”
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