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The National Science Olympiad coordinated by UFPI has over 4 million registrants.

The National Science Olympiad coordinated by UFPI has over 4 million registrants.

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National Science Olympiad (ONC)

the National Science Olympiad (ONC) 2024, which started last Thursday (15), broke the record for 4,162,130 Registered from more than 5,000 municipalities throughout Brazil. The competition, which covers students from the sixth year of primary school to the third year of high school, is coordinated by the Federal University of Piaui (UFPI).

Professor Jean Catabretta, general coordinator of the event, stressed the importance of ONC for UFPI, noting that the event promotes the university as an important educational center, stimulating student interest in its undergraduate and graduate courses. On the first day of the competitions, around 100,000 students participated in the online challenges simultaneously.

“With this broad scope, the name of UFPI is carried and recognized in almost all municipalities in Brazil. Furthermore, the work is widely recognized by ministries and the federal government. UFPI goes beyond the walls of the institution.“, highlighted.

ONC 2024 will be held in two stages: the first between August 15 and 17, and the second from September 12 to 13. Since its creation in 2016, the Olympic Games have been a mentoring project registered and coordinated by UFPI, recognized as the largest mentoring initiative among Brazilian public universities. The event is promoted with resources from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and sponsored by Petrobras. The competition has been highlighted on social media, and the majority of winners in recent years have come from public schools.

Source: UFPI


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