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Mobilize Solo vista traseira, dianteira e lateral

Renault says this is the future. Get to know Mobilize Solo

Surprising to say the least. This is how we can describe earth crowd. After revealing the production versions of Duo and Bento This prototype now shows the future of the young Renault Group brand.

Inspired by the umbrella and skateboardThe Mobilize Solo was created by the Renault design studio in India, and at the end of the day, it feels like a sort of chair on top of an electric scooter.

With only three wheels, the Mobilize Solo is 1.37 meters long; 0.90 m wide and 1.75 m high. In front of the only seat of this car we find a joystick Instead of a steering wheel, an obvious reference to the video game world.

In order not to lose: Crowd limo. Renault’s new electric saloon that we can’t buy