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PIS Salary Bonus May Release Double In 2022

PIS Salary Bonus May Release Double In 2022

Workers who will receive the allowance PIS / Pasep This year going back to 2020, they will only receive the benefit next year. This is because Codefat decided to postpone the evaluation of the project.

The decision was made with the aim of a financial adjustment, which resulted in savings of R$10 billion for the public treasury, as the budget for the appropriation is R$20 billion, of which 10 billion are paid from July to December and another R$10 billion from January (January). ) to June, when the payment schedule ends.

deferred allowance payment

Usually, salary bonus payment schedule PIS / Pasep It starts in one year and ends in another year. The same will happen with the expected 2020 feature, which will start between July 2021 and June 2022.

In addition to the PIS/Pasep 2020 payment deferral, Codefat has decided that the salary bonus will always be paid in the first half of each year. The interest is expected to be issued from February 2022.

With regard to salary bonus amounts, the maximum is one minimum wage in force, and may vary depending on the number of months worked by the citizen in the base year.

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However, in addition to working for at least 30 days of the formal contract in the base year, the worker must have been registered for at least 5 years in the government system, in addition to earning an average minimum wage at that time. .

double payment

So far, the federal government has not taken a position on the possibility of making two payments in the same year, arguing that one of them was reallocated in the same year so that the other should be released.

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In this sense, the expectation is that the 2020 and 2021 salary bonuses will be paid in 2022. However, as mentioned, there is no confirmation by the Executive, which only states that the 2020 salary bonus will be paid next year.

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