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Millions may have been canceled from CNPJ

Millions may have been canceled from CNPJ

The year 2024 is approaching, and Small individual entrepreneurs (MEIs) We must be aware of an important issue: debt settlement with the Federal Revenue Service to avoid losing the National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ).

Until January 1, 2024, it is important that MEIs adjust their tax issues to remain within the Simples Nacional tax system. In this context, we will explore scenarios that could lead to the exclusion of Simples Nacional and even the loss of the CNPJ.

Settlement until January 2024 to keep CNPJ active

MEIs that wish to remain in Simples Nacional must pay their debts to the Federal Revenue Service by January 1, 2024.

Otherwise, they will face exclusion from the simplified tax system, as they will be taxed under other systems, such as presumed profit or real profit. It's a race against time to avoid unwanted tax consequences.

Exclusion from Simples Nacional and loss of the CNPJ: possible scenarios

In addition to being excluded before Debts Payment is not made, there is an additional scenario that could result in a loss of CNPJ. If the MEI fails to pay monthly contributions (DAS-MEI) and submit annual returns (DASN-MEI) in the last two years, the CNPJ will be automatically cancelled, resulting in exclusion from Simples Nacional.

According to the Sebrae Guidelines, if the CNPJ is canceled due to non-compliance with tax obligations, the MEI will not be able to reactivate or reverse the cancellation. The only alternative would be to restart the formalization process to resume economic activities under the simplified tax system.

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Consequences of CNPJ cancellation: Debts are not cancelled

It is important to understand that canceling your CNPJ does not mean canceling your debts. If the entrepreneur does not regularize his financial situation, the fee will be directed to the CNPJ's CPF holder.

Taxes, contributions and penalties may be charged over a period of five years, starting from the last calendar month before the cancellation of the CNPJ.

To avoid future problems, it is essential that MEIs act quickly, regularizing their tax liabilities by the deadline set by the Federal Revenue Service, January 1, 2024. In this way, they ensure the continuity of their activities, preserving the CNPJ and remaining in place. Simple national

Pay attention to your Responsibilities Taxes and ensuring a smooth 2024 for your business. Organization is key to staying on the path to business success.